The Photographer


 I'm so glad you decided to stop by. My name is Erin. I am a newbie photographer, with lot's of learning left to do. I am an Air Force Wife, Momma to 2 Furbabies, and a lover of decorating. I am also Pinterest obsessed, which you will probably see posts about all the time. My husband and I currently live in Washington but are southerners at heart. I love girly things and making my husband suffer through watching a good chick flick with me. If you want to get to know me more, I can also be found here. As far as photography goes I have always loved taking pictures but it wasn't until a few months ago that I bought my first DSLR and starting puting it to use. I learn something new everytime I turn it on and I hope that one day maybe I too, can be a professional photographer. Until then I will enjoy being an amateur and learning all the things I possibly can.